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Hello folks 👋,
I have to confess; I listen to way too many HR / Leadership podcasts. I’m not saying that I listen to all of them, that would probably be impossible or more than a full-time job, but I listen to a great deal of them. From time to time, I also challenge myself to find new ones, as it is an ever-changing landscape. I sit an hour or two, searching the pod landscape, adding them onto a list to listen to later.
I do this two or three times a year; last time in May, I ended up with over 90 HR podcasts and multiplied that by two or three to make sure I listen to the ins and outs of the podcast... As said, I listen to a lot of podcasts.
Until this summer, I used to use Spotify to listen to podcasts (having worked there, you kind of have to...), and it's excellent for that use case - finding new podcasts, sorting them into playlists, and saving specific episodes to subject playlists.
For example, I have a long list of podcast episodes on reskilling and upskilling, which is perfect should anyone ask or need inspiration in that area.
But there's been one feature that I've been missing, and that's to save highlights from within a podcast. To my delight, I found Airr this summer. Airr is a lightweight podcast player; it has its flaws in not having all podcasts yet (but you can always add your favorite as long as it's not platform exclusive).
It's been a game-changer for me. Not only can I highlight stuff in Airr, but it also annotates it (!), and as I've set it up, it saves it to my notebook Notion. Creating a searchable library of specific topics within a podcast. It's amazing.
But for it to be excellent, there have to be amazing podcasts to listen to, and that's what this is all about. These are, in most cases, not new podcasts, but they are new to me, so I figure they might be new to you as well. Here are my top four HR / Leadership podcasts that I hadn't listened to before 2021. It's all from the list mentioned above, and this is my very subjective view of the best ones.¨
The Podcasts
HR Works - run by Jim Davis, who is a bit grumpy. And I say that with love and admiration because many of the podcasts I usually listen to have some happy-go-lucky person who never dares to ask uncomfortable questions. Jim dares to go a bit deeper, and challenge guests. I would argue this is one of my all-time favorite HR Podcasts.
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My HR Journey - run by Steve Watson. Usually, high-profile people are getting interviewed on podcasts. I get why people do that, but I also love what Steve is doing - talking to "real" people in HR organizations about how they found their way into HR and their view of HR. It has expanded my thinking about HR.
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How to HR - run by Shona Hamilton-Higgins. More practical and not structured around one specific topic. It's like an incredible catalog of all the subjects you want to know more about. See it as a library where you can get inspiration around any challenge you might have.
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The Switch by Nonprofit HR. Brings a different perspective to the HR field than many other podcasts, once again helping to expand my narrow mind. Of all the 180+ episodes I listened to, their episode around diversity was one of the best episodes I listened to.
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Which HR podcast is your favorite? Drop a link in the comments section below or simply reply to this email - I answer all emails I get!